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Our solution for stacked housing

Innovative total ventilation concept for use in stacked housing. The quiet, compact CERA units regulate the required amount of fresh air in homes 24/7, based on local CO2 measurements. A unique ventilation system that was developed in collaboration with consultancy firm Hiensch Engineering and provides a healthy and comfortable living environment.


Market conditions & Regulation

Now-a-days there is great demand for sustainable total housing solutions. As a result of rising land prices and a shortage of available space, homes in large, inner-city developments are getting smaller day-by-day. Additionally (local) governmental regulation is asking to minimize the amount of energy used in buildings, but at the same time to maintain sufficient fresh air inside the living space.

Finally, the quality of living is continuously improved by better and higher insulations, resulting in a reduction in background noise and the need for easy to operate and accurate control systems.

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The unit takes up little space and is suitable for use in new construction, renovation and transformation projects.

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The CERA system is easy to implement in stacked housing construction concepts, especially where sustainability is a requirement.

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Expanded polypropylene is a polypropylene-based particulate foam. Processing in the so-called molding process takes place in special molding machines.

Facts & Figures

  • Total ventilaton concept for stacked housing
  • CO2 controlled fresh outside air ventilation system 
  • Low energy consumption
  • Airtight Class C & damper leakage Class 2 according to NEN-EN 1751
  • Pressure independent control
  • CE certified
  • Low noise system (no fan & internally insulated)
  • Maintenance free for user & building owner (no filters)


When the primary system uses a heat pump, thermal energy storage system or district heating or cooling system, it is possible to achieve an exceptionally low energy consumption. Depending on the application, the system can contribute to get a higher degree in a green building certificate.

Another advantage of this is, when during the conversion of offices into apartments the existing infrastructure of ducts, shafts and technical spaces, can be used.